Farm Radio International (FRI), through its project, “Radio for Ethiopian Smallholder Staples Development”, produces a radio program to help farmers adopt more productive farming and improved post-harvest management practices, and successfully market their staple crops.

FRI commissioned a study to assess the viability of agricultural radio programs in Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and SNNP regions. The study specifically targeted to assess the perceptions and interests of different stakeholders on agricultural radio programs, the potentials and limitations of agricultural radio programs in drawing the interests of stakeholders, particularly for-profit organizations, and generate financial revenue and the feasibility of Interactive Rural Radio (IRR) agricultural radio programs in the context of community radio stations. 

The data collection was conducted through focus group discussions with farmers, and in-depth key informant interviews with individuals from community radio stations, commercial radio stations, agricultural input suppliers, and agricultural extension service providers such as district agriculture offices and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).